Mar Elias Evangelisation

Dr. Elias (PhD)


What is the difference between a healthy man, and a disabled man other than having different physical capabilities? If we say that they are equal, then this kind of equality would be exactly the same kind of equality we mean when we say: woman and man are equal. Each is different, but nevertheless they are equal.

This equality is like truth, valid by itself. It needs no justification, it needs no defenders. This is why what follows is no defence for this equality.

If it was possible to measure the distance that the body can travel in years, then we would need light years to measure the distances the mind can cover. From this perspective, if the body can run, the mind can fly; hence it is more powerful.

What follows is the way how I understand how men, collectively, throughout history have always treated women. And it is one of the many definitions of equality:

Man might have bigger muscles. But do his muscles make him strong?

The difference between a strong person, and a weak person, is that the strong chooses the strongest asset in their enemy, and faces it; but the weak chooses the weakest asset in their enemy and attempts to defeat it. This is true because the strong, as a matter of fact, seeks to become stronger, and we become stronger through difficulty not ease.

This is why every man who sees a woman for her weaker asset, her body (considering that the mind is more powerful), is truly a weak man. A woman, as a matter of fact, should be seen for her strongest asset, her mind. And in this asset, she is capable of challenging the man if given the opportunity.

This is not to mention the heart. We are equal, we have always been. It might feel fair here, but it's a jungle outside. And before the first sleep of tonight I say: Happy women's day!