Mar Elias Evangelisation

Dr. Elias (PhD)

A comment on my photograph

I have only written what follows because of my gratefulness and appreciation to everyone I have recently gotten the pleasure to meet:

The interior is more complex than the exterior. This is why what cannot be seen by the naked eye can reach levels of beauty that cannot be expressed by what is visible. So do not be fooled by what you see, and do not let the appearances be your concern. The things that really matter are inherent in the heart and mind, and they cannot be captured by a photograph. The crust simply means nothing and it has no meaning, the real meaning lies deep inside. And it might as well be absent.

I expect nothing from anyone, and I do not accept to impose anything on anyone. This is why I feel it necessary to say that I respect each person's complete and whole freedom, whether I know them or not.

And you as friends, I give you the freedom to treat me however you wish, and I will always feel as grateful as I do now, and no matter what.

Facebook is a virtual relationship, and it has no meaning to me. The meaning is in real life; outside. Among human beings. This is why I respect each one's freedom to cancel this virtual connection, at any time they wish. And if you ever wish to do so, and do not do it; you would be lying to me. This is what I do not accept.

In my opinion; one of the deepest feelings that a human being can possess, and the most complicated, is love, this is why I do not hesitate to say: "life without love, is not worth living at all.." (GGM).

This is my purpose of this photograph. And this is why I changed the visibility of all other profile pictures to 'friends only'. Because it is not my intention to deceive anyone; as these photos mean nothing to me. I have translated some of what I said at the time of the photograph.

There are no words that can express my gratitude. Thank you so much. I appreciate each person; and here I say: I will do my best.



إن الداخل أكثر تعقيدا من الخارج، و بذلك يمكن لما لا يرى بالعين، أن يصل مستويات من الجمال يعجز الخارج أن يعكسها. لذلك لا تدعوا المظاهر تغركم، إن الأشياء التي تعني حقا كامنة في القلب و العقل، و لا يمكن احتجازها في صورة.

لا أخاطبكم كاخوة و أخوات، لأني بذلك أصنع فرقاً فأزدريكم، و لكن أخاطبكم كمساوين لنفسي: خجلتوني صارت حواجبي تحت عيوني من الخجل هههههه لا أتوقع شيئا من أي أحد، و لا أقبل أن أفرض شيئا على أحد، و لذلك أعجز عن وصف امتناني لمجاملاتكم التي تنطبق على أي كان.

واحدة من أعمق المشاعر التي يمكن للانسان ان يمتلكها، و أكثرها تعقيدا، هي الحب، و لذلك لا أتردد أن أقول: أن الحياة دون حب، لا تستحق العيش اطلاقاً..

لا خداع، و لكن حب.
