Mar Elias Evangelisation

Dr. Elias (PhD)

Category: "Philosophy (26 posts)"

On Sentimentalism

"The heart is deceitful above all things,
and desperately corrupt;
who can understand it?"
(Jeremiah 17:9)

«The soul is not united with God in this life through understanding, nor through enjoyment, nor through the imagination, nor through any sense whatsoever; but only through faith, according to the understanding; and through hope, according to the memory; and through love, according to the will.» (St. John of the Cross, Ascent of Mount Carmel)

True Compassion

  • See TFP book (Breaching the Dam)
  • True compassion is not to please the other and act according to their feelings but to tell them the truth when necessary.
  • See Pope Benedict's page: Love In Truth

(Pornography) الأفلام الإباحية، ظاهرة من ظواهر الإنفلات الأخلاقي

طبعاً ما بجوز أنو نشوف ظاهرة ونغمض عيوننا عليها وكأنو ما شفنا شي. أنا من واجبي اني احكي الحقيقة، وقول شو هو الصح وشو هو الغلط، وانتوا حريتكم الله عطاكم ياها وما بحقلي أنقص منها: إلكم تعملوا يلي بيعجبكم.

كل شيء بالدنية، ممكن نعتبرو أداة (السكّين، المصاري، السيّارة، الفيسبوك، الواتساب..)، ونحنا حسب حرّيتنا بإمكاننا نستخدم هي الأدوات إمّا للخير، أو للشر. مثلاً: ممكن نستخدم السكّين حتى نبعج فيها أخونا الفلتان (سلوك مضرّ)، أو حتى نقطع فيها التفاحة (سلوك مفيد).

نفس الشي الفيسبوك والواتساب والانترنت: بإمكاننا أنو نستخدمهم حتى نتواصل مع بعضنا وننصح بعضنا، أو بإمكاننا نستخدمهم حتى نعبّر عن فسادنا الأخلاقي ونتبادل الأفلام المبتذلة عليهم.

طبعاً هذا غلط، ولكن ليش غلط؟

  1. الإنسان له شرفه وكرامته، ولما نحنا نستخدم صور إنسان حتى ننبسط، فنحنا منكون عم نعامل هذا الإنسان كأنو أداة: شغلة منستخدمها حتى ننبسط وبعدين منرميها. متل فرشاية الأسنان. وهذا سلوك غير أخلاقي وسلوك أناني بحت.

  2. لما نحنا نستخدم هي الشغلات، لازم نعرف أنها شغلات غير مجّانية، ونحنا عم ندفع ثمنها (مثلاً عندما نستخدم الفيسبوك فالفيسبوك يجني المال عن طريق الإعلانات، يعني متل التلفزيون).

    لهيك لما يزيد استهلاك هي الشغلات، بتزيد مرابح يلي عملوها، وبصيروا يزيدوا من إنتاجها، مما يؤدي إلى استعباد الناس بشكل متزايد.

  3. السبب الثالث والسبب الأهم:

    يعترض أحدهم: إن الممثّلين الإباحيين يقومون بذلك من كامل حرّيتهم ورضاهم، لذلك هذه الأشياء مو غلط لأنهم أحرار.

    وأنا بقول: هؤلاء ليسوا أحرار، بل عبيد للعقليّة المادّية التي تستعبدهم. تذكّروا أني قلتلكم أنو في عالم كثير بالغرب بيعرفوا معنى الحريّة، والحضارة والعيلة، وبقدروها وبحافظوا عليها وما بسيؤوا استخدامها.

    ولكن لما الواحد يقول: أنا حرّ حتى استخدم غيري حتّى ارضي نفسي (سواءا بالشهوة أو بالمال)، وبعدين ارميه كأنو فرشاة أسنان من دون كرامة أو شرف، فهذا سلوك أناني بحت وغير أخلاقي.

    مو بس هيك: لما الواحد يستخدم جسدو هو نفسو كأنّو أداة للمتعة، فهذا التعليم هو ذروة الحياة المادّية التي تعلّم الناس: لا وجود للقيم الأخلاقيّة، لا وجود للشرف والأخلاق والتضحية والعلاقات العائلية والإخلاص، لا وجود لله!! لا وجود سوى للمادّة والمال! لا وجود سوى للنّفس فتنعّمي يا نفسي!

    هذا كلّو علاك مصدّي، وهي العالم بيعبدوا المال والمادّة، بيعبدوا أنفسهم. بيعبدوا الأنانيّة: يا نفسي.

مو هون المصيبة الكبيرة.

المصيبة الكبيرة هو لمّا الأهل بسلموا أولادهم موبايلات من أحدث طراز، من غير ما يعلموهم يستخدموها.

الأهالي من واجبهم أنهم يحموا أولادهم من الشغلات الغلط. وإذا كان بدكم تعطوا أولادكم هي الموبايلات، لازم تفلتروها حتى تحرصوا أنو أولادكم ما يشوفوا هي الشغلات يلي عم تسرق برائتهم.

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مو بس هيك، في عالم بيعترو هي الشغلات "موضة" وبحطوها على تلفزيوناتهم. مو عرفانين انهم عم يبتعدوا عن تعاليم المسيح.

مفكرين أنو بس لأنو الغرب متطورين وعندهم حضارة، صار كل شي بيعملوه صح. هم متطورين إيه، بس هذا ما بيعني انهم صاروا كاملين. ومن واجبنا أنو نفحص كل شي منستوردو منهم.

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في شغلات بسمّوها Parental Controls، استخدموها على موبايلات أولادكم. اعملوا حسب الشي يلي بضمائركم، مو حسب الشي يلي بقولو مارك زكنبيرج ولا حسب الشي يلي بقولو أنا.


قال مرة فاتت واحدة فقيرة على كنيسة، وكان معها فلس وكانت محتاجة لهذا الفلس، ولكن رغم هيك ولإيمانها تبرعت فيه بالكنيسة.

المسيح قال عنها انها احسن من غيرها لأنو رغم انها حطت فلس واحد، لكنها تبرعت بكل شي بتملكو.

كل شغلة الله بيرزقنا اياها، نحنا مسؤولين عنها وواجبنا انو نتصرف فيها صح وننفع فيها يلي حوالينا. كل شي غير هيك ما هو مسيحي وما هو من المسيح يلي بذل نفسو من أجلنا.

لهيك أنا بعرف: انو كل شي الله رزقني اياه، هذا مسؤولية عليي، ومن واجبي اني اتصرف فيه صح.

تطلعوا على العقلية المنتشرة اليوم و يلي عم ينشرها الفيسبوك مثلا: عم يقولوا: ابلعوا قد ما بتحسنوا. خذوا من الدنية قد ما بتحسنوا. تمتعوا بالمادة، بالأكل والشرب والاستهلاك يلي ما بينتهي.

ولكن ما بقولوا للعالم انو مسؤوليتكم قد الشغلات يلي بتاخذوها وبتستهلكوها.

ما بقولولهم انو: إذا معكم ألف، مسؤوليتكم بألف. وإذا معكم مليون، مسؤوليتكم بمليون.

لهذا السبب الفقير لازم يكون أكتر واحد مرتاح، ويلي معو قرش مهموم. ولكن هم بقولوا العكس.

ما بقولولهم كلام الله. بقولولهم بس الكلام يلي بجيب للفيسبوك وشركة أبل مربح. بقولوهم استهلكوا أيفوناتنا ومنتجاتنا.

لهذا السبب، بفكروا العالم الفقيرة انهم إذا ماكان معهم أيفون فهم ما بيسوا شي، وهيك بينتشر الفساد، فساد الأخلاق وفساد النفوس.

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"إن الله محبة، فمن أقام في المحبة، أقام في الله، وأقام الله فيه" (1 يو 4-16)

والمحبة تقضي أن نبذل أنفسنا لأجل غيرنا، لا أن ننقص من غيرنا، بل أن نزيد منهم.

قال المسيح: إن مملكتي ليست من هذا العالم. لهيك طبيعي أن يكون ما هو من الله يتعارض مع ما هو مادي وأرضي.

Update on Aug. 3rd:

يوجد مثل قالو يسوع: واحد أخذ خمس وزنات، ورجّعها عشرة وانبسط السيّد تبعو، وواحد تاني أخذ وزنة واحدة ولكنو رجّعها متل ما هي، وقتيها قلّو سيّدو: مو كان أحسن لو عطيتها للصيارفة؟ (متى 24: 19)

شو معنى هذا المثل؟ معناه أنو إذا الله رزقنا وزنة، فمسؤوليتنا بوزنة، وإذا الله رزقنا عشر وزنات، فمسؤوليتنا بعشر وزنات.

إذا الله رزق واحد، ما معناه أنو الله بحب هذا الواحد أكثر مننا. يلي الله رزقو كثير، بكرا بيتحاسب على الكثير، ويلي انعطى قليل بيتحاسب على القليل.

هذا بيعني انو المصاري مو بس حتى نصرفها وننبسط فيها ونصرفها على حالنا ونشوف حالنا فيها على غيرنا. ولكن علينا مسؤولية انو نستخدمها لفعل الخير.

يلي بعلّمو الفيسبوك هو شغلات مادّية مالها قيمة. بعلموا الناس الاستهلاك: بقولولهم خذوا قد مابتحسنوا، وعلى قد ما صار معكم، هالقد بتكونوا مبسوطين. لهيك صار الواحد يفكر حالو أنو إذا ما معو أيفون، صار ما بيسوى، مو عرفانين أنو هذا الأيفون هو مسؤولية بيتحاسبوا عليها. صاروا يفكروا أنو يلي ما معو مصاري، صار واحد ما بيسوى ومالو قيمة.

مو بس هيك، هي الثقافة المادّية بتقول أنو المهم هو القشرة والشغلات الظاهرة، أما الشغلات الباطنة ما حدا بيسأل عليها. لهيك صار الجمال بالنسبة الهم هو بالشكل، مو بالمضمون.

"لأن الرب لا ينظر كما ينظر الانسان، لأن الانسان ينظر إلى العينين وأما الرب فانه ينظر إلى القلب" (صموئيل الأول 16: 7).

إذاً المصاري والشهادات وكل شغلة الله عطانا اياها هي مسؤولية، ومن واجبنا انو نستخدمها لفعل الخير. هذا بعكس العقليّة المادّية الغربية يلي بتتمحور حول النفس ويلي بتقول: استريحي وكلي واشربي وتنعّمي يا نفسي.

لوقا 12: 22 "ثم قال لتلاميذه: لهذا أقول لكم: لا تهتموا لحياتكم بما تأكلون، ولا لأجسادكم بما تلبسون: فإن الحياة أعظم من الطعام، والجسد أعظم من اللباس."

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طبعا أنا عم حاول فسّر الانحلال الأخلاقي يلي عم ينتشر ويساهم بنشرو الفيسبوك وغيرو، وعم دافع عن القيم يلي عنّا ياها، خاصّة بالمعرّة. لأنّو إذا مادافعنا عنها، فالفيسبوك لح يمحيها. طوبى للأهالي يلي عم يحموا أولادهم من هذا التيّار المادّي يلي بحطّ النّفس فوق الآخر، وهون بيتعارض مع المحبة يلي علمنا ياها يسوع المسيح. وهذا ما بيعني اني أنا مو عرضة للخطأ. أبداً، وواجبكم انتوا يوم شفتوني عم اغلط انكم تبهوني وما تضلوا ساكتين.

تطلعوا على كثير من شبابنا: صاروا يفكروا انو إذا الواحد ما قلّد الشغلات يلي بشوفها عالفيسبوك، صار مو "متطوّر" ومو "متحضر" وما بيسوى. هذا غلط طبعاً ومن واجبنا نحنا انو نوعّي الصغار حتى ما يضيعوا.

الانفلات والانحلال الأخلاقي في الغرب، الزنى

لما كنت بسورية، كنت احكي كثير عن سلبيات الغرب. كنت احكي بشكل عام عن الانفلات الأخلاقي المنتشر بمجتمعاتهم حتى قول للعالم: لا تفكروا بس لأنهم أجانب صار كل شي بيعملوه صح، أو انهم صاروا أحسن مننا.

وكنت دائماً قول انو مو كلهم منفلتين هيك، وفيهم عالم بيناتهم بتعرف معنى الحرية والحضارة، هدول العالم بفكروا وبيفهموا وبربوا أولادهم صح.

ولكن كثيرين يلي ما كانوا يفهموا كلامي. يعني مثلاً لما كنت قول: أنو غالبية الغربيين منفلتين أخلاقياً، في عالم ماكانت تفهم عليي، وكانت تجاوبني:

"إي نفس الشي عنّا وعندهم: بس عندهم عالمفتوح، وعنّا تحت الطاولة." يعني كأنهم عم يقولوا أنو الانفلات الأخلاقي يلي بصير عنا تحت الطاولة (يعني عالمغطّى، إما بالسيارة المفيّمة، أو بعد نص الليل)، صار صح لأنو الغربيين بيعملوا هيك عالمفتوح.

هي بصراحة اسمها فساد أخلاقي، وهذا غلط لتلات أسباب:

  1. لما حدا يسألني ليش عم اسلك سلوك معين، وأنا بأشّر بأصبعي على جاري وقول: "إي جاري عم يعمل هيك"، فهذا ما بيعني لا اني أنا صح، ولا انو جاري صح.

  2. لما "الصديق" و"الصديقة"، بيتفقوا انو: "ينبسطوا سوا"، بليلة مافيها ضو قمر، متل ما سمعتها من كذا "شب"، بالاتفاق المتبادل وبالرضى المتبادل، ويقولوا انهم ما اعتدوا على حدا، فهذا مرة أخرى: فساد أخلاقي.

    إذا كان الشب عنجد بحب الواحدة فبكون على استعداد يعطيها عمرو وحياتو وكل شي بيملكو. مو يستخدمها كأنها فرشاية أسنان بيرميها وقت يخلص منها. من هذا المنطق، "الصديق" بيطلع بلا أخلاق لأنو استخدم صديقتو، و"الصديقة" بتطلع بلا أخلاق لأنها هي كمان استخدمت صديقها.

  3. يقول بولس الرسول (رسالة إلى الرومانيين 13، 9):

    "فإن هذه الوصايا: (لا تزن، لا تقتل، لا تسرق، لا تشهد بالزور، لا تشته) وكل وصية أخرى، تلخّص في هذه الكلمة: (أحبب قريبك كنفسك)، إن المحبة لا تصنع بالقريب شرّاً، فالمحبة إذاً هي تمام الناموس".

    ومن ثم: "إن الله محبة، فمن أقام في المحبة، أقام في الله، وأقام الله فيه" (1 يو 4-16)

    ومن ثم: "هذه هي وصيّتي لكم: أحبوا بعضكم بعضاً كما أحببتكم أنا. ليس لأحدٍ حبٌّ أعظم من أن يبذل نفسه عن أحبائه." (يوحنا 15: 12)

    منستنتج أنو الزنى، ليس محبة بل عكسها، أي عكس الله.

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الله خلقنا أحرار. فكروا وعيشوا الحياة يلي بتآمنوا فيها. لا تقولوا "متل بعضها" و "ما بأسر". لا تكونوا فاترين متل البراد يلي بمطبخنا: بفيق الصبح منشان آكل المسبحة وبلاقيها لا هي باردة حتى ازلطها زلط، ولا هي صخنة حتى ارميها بزبالة. فاترة، لهيك ما بعرفها إذا كانت منزوعة أو لاء، وباكلها وأنا عم بشمئز. وبتعلق بحلقي. وبتخنقني.

English translation:

The moral collapse in the west (adultery):

Why having a boyfriend/girlfriend is an immoral act (i.e. why sex before marriage is wrong, and why chastity is right):

  1. It is not enough to point at others and say: “I want to do something because everyone else is doing it”. No. If others did something, then this does not make that thing right nor moral. It does not make them right either.

  2. We have to understand the difference between true love, and desire.

    When the boyfriend and the girlfriend agree to use each other by mutual “consent”, then this is moral corruption.


    If a man truly loved a woman, he would be prepared to give her everything he owns. He would be prepared to spend with her his life. He would even be prepared to give her his life (and the opposite is true).

    But when the man stays with the woman without the intention of spending with her all of his life, then this means that he is temporarily using her. To him, she becomes a mere tool, just like a toothbrush, he uses it, once he is done with it, he throws it in the garbage. Because he is using the toothbrush only to satisfy his desires and he does not truly care about it.

    Likewise: a temporary relationship with a “girlfriend”, is a dishonest and an immoral relationship. Because then, the man would be using the woman to merely satisfy his desires. To him, she is just a tool, and he does not truly love her nor does he care about her. The opposite is true.

    But, if he truly loved her, he would sacrifice everything for her. And he would marry her and become her only husband and she would become his only wife.

    From this logic, the "boyfriend" would be immoral for using the "girlfriend". And the "girlfriend" would be immoral for using the "boyfriend".

  3. Treat others as you wish others treat you.

    Ask yourself the question: would you be happy if someone lied to you or cheated you?

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This is why if a man truly loved a woman, and if he saw no possibility of them remaining together all of their lives, he would never cheat her nor lie to her, this is why he would never use her as an object of his desires. Love is not selfseeking, it is all about the other, not the self.

الحب الحقيقي

إنَّ الرّب قادرٌ، اتّكلوا عليه وسلّموا له أموركم في صغيرها وكبيرها، وليكن اعتمادكم عليه في كل شيء، الله ما خيّب حدا.

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يقول يسوع المسيح: "هذه هي وصيّتي لكم: أحبوا بعضكم بعضاً كما أحببتكم أنا. ليس لأحدٍ حبٌّ أعظم من أن يبذل نفسه عن أحبائه." (يوحنا 15: 12)

ذلك هو الحب الحقيقي، الحب الذي يبذل نفسه لأجل المحبوب، الحب الذي هو على استعداد أن يضحي بكل شيء لأجل المحبوب.

أما الحب المادّي الغربي، الذي يروّج له الفيسبوك، فهو في الحقيقة ليس حبّاً، بل أنانية مطلقة. لأن الحب يسعى أن يُعطي، أما هو فيسعى أن يأخذ، وكلّما أخذ أكثر، كلّما كان أكثر سعادة لأن ما يهمّه في الحقيقة هو نفسه. إنه محض شهوة، وتجارة وجنس، متنكّرة باسم الحب. لذلك أقول لكم: لا تنخدعوا، وابحثوا عن الحقيقة التي تكمن تحت القشرة. ولا تنغرّوا بما ترون، بل ابحثوا عن الحقيقة، ولا ترضوا إلا بها، لأنها وحدها قادرة على ارضائنا حقاً.


إذا كنتوا بتحبّوني، بتقرأوا كلامي، وإذا عجبكم كلامي فبصير من واجبكم انكم تعملوا فيه، وإذا ما عجبكم، فمن واجبكم انكم تدلوني على الصح وتقولولي: يا الياس، انت غلطت هون وهون، ولازم تصحح غلطك اليوم قبل بكرا.

لا تقولوا متل بعضها نحنا مو فارقة معنا، ولكن اعملوا الصح لأجل أولادكم وأولاد غيركم. وإذا كنت أنا غلط، فارفضوني وابزقوا بخلقتي. أنا مالح اقبل بأقل من هيك.

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يسوع المسيح لما كان عالصليب، تطلّع بالسّما وقال: "يا أبتا، اغفر لهم لأنهم لا يعرفون ماذا يفعلون" (لوقا فصل23 اية34).

يا ترى مين كان بيقصد المسيح؟ الاغلب انو المسيح كان بيقصد يهوذا يلي باعو بثلاثين ليرة فضة، والكهنة يلي طالبوا بصلب يسوع خوفا من انهم يخسروا سلطتهم.

يعني يلي كان عم يقوله المسيح هو: انو يلي راكدين خلف المصاري والسلطة ما بيعرفوا شو عم يعملوا، لأنو معنى الدنية ماهو السلطة والمصاري، ماهو على الأرض.

برهن يسوع على هذا الشي بقيامتو، وهذا هو أساس وركن إيماننا كمسيحيين. يقول بولس الرسول: "وإن كان المسيح لم يقُم، فكِرازتنا إذن باطلة، وإيمانكم أيضاً باطل" (رسالة بولس الأولى إلى الكورنثيين فصل 15 اية14).

الحقيقة اني ماعم احكي هيك بناءا على كلام الانجيل فقط. أنا ماني مآمن فيه لاني ورثتو، ولكن القيامة هي حقيقة تاريخية لا يمكن نكرانها (حسب المؤرخ N.T. Wright)، يلي أثبت ببحوثو أنو الله كشف نفسو بشخص يسوع المسيح. شي مرة بحكيلكم عن هذا الشي.

على كل حال:

إذا اتفقتوا معي على هذا الكلام، فهذا بيعني انكم متفقين على انو الواحد مالازم يركد خلف السلطة والمصاري فقط لأجل السلطة والمصاري، وفقط حتى نرضي غرورنا وكبريائنا ونشوف حالنا على غيرنا. ولكن إذا ركدنا خلف المصاري، لازم نعمل هيك لأنو بدنا ننفع غيرنا، متل ما الأب والأم بيركدوا خلف القرش مو في سبيل القرش نفسو، ولكن في سبيل انهم يطعموا ويعلموا أولادهم، ولنفس السبب أنا عم أدرس: مو لأجل نفسي، ولكن لأجل الجميع. بغير هيك اسم الله ما بيتمجد. فليتمجد اسم الرب في كل حين.

* * * * * *

حسب هذا الفكر المسيحي، فقيمة العالم ما هي بالشغلات يلي بتملكها، يعني مصاري أو شهادات، ولا بالشغلات يلي بتستهلكها، يعني موبايلات وسيارات وبيوت وأكل وشرب، ولكن قيمة العالم بأخلاقها وتصرفاتها وشلون بتعامل غيرها. قيمة الواحد بتجي من الشغلات يلي بيعطيها، مو الشغلات يلي بياخذها.

يعني أنا مثلاً، مابترتفع قيمتي إذا سقت مارسيدس G Class. أو حملت أيفون 15TFN (بعد عشر سنين بدهم يصيروا يسمّوا الأيفون أسماء فخمة متل هي حتى يضحكوا على العالم ويسرقوا مصاريهم ويستعمرونا). ولكن أنا، بترتفع قيمتي إذا كنت قادر اني عيل عيلتي، وعيلة محتاجة مثلاً. أو اني ادفع تكلفة حدا مريض مثلاً. أو اني ادفع تكاليف مدرسة ابن أو ابنة حدا فقير مثلاً.

وين نحنا من هذا؟ قلائل يلي بيعملوا هيك. ولكن يلي بيعملوا هيك الله ما بينساهم.

صار هدف الشب اليوم، انو يصير مليونير، ويسوق سيارة فخمة، ويحمل موبايل فخم، ويدخن سيغارة فخمة، يا أخي عيشة فخامة بفخافة. هذا أهم شي بالدنية شو بدنا بهالحكي. هذا هدفهم بالحياة: الفخامة. أو بمصطلح تاني: الاستهلاك. صاروا يفكروا انو قيمة الواحد اليوم هو انو ياخذ أكثر مما يعطي. باختصار هي النظرة الغلط للمصاري.

يسوع المسيح عاش حياة متواضعة وما أخذ غير قليل، وشو عطى؟ عطى حياتو على الصليب. وهو نفسو قال: "إنكم مجّاناً أخذتم فمجاناً أعطوا. لا تحملوا ذهباً، ولا فضةً، ولا نحاساً في همايينكم، ولا مزوداً للطريق، ولا قبائين، ولا نعلين، ولا عصاً: فإن للعامل الحقَّ على طعامه." (متى فصل 10 اية 8-10). كمان قال: "بع كل ما تملك ووزعه على الفقراء، فيكون لك كنزٌ في السماء، ثم تعال اتبعني" (لوقا فصل 18 اية 22).

إذا آمنا بالمسيح، فما لازم نخاف ونهكل هم المصاري، يسوع بقول: "أما يباع عصفوران بفلس؟ ومع ذلك لا يسقط واحد منهما على الأرض بمعزل عن أبيكم. أمّا أنتم فحتى شعر رؤوسكم كله محصى. فلا تخافوا: فإنكم أنتم أكرم من العصافير كلها." (متى فصل 10 اية 29-31).

* * * * * *

من ناحية ثانية، يلي معو مصاري، متل يلي حامل شهادة، متل يلي حامل سلاح، عليه مسؤولية هي الأداة يلي معو ياها، ولازم يتحمل مسؤوليتها ويتصرف فيها صح: يستخدمها لفعل الخير.

شو هو الصح؟ الصح هو انو نستخدم هي الشغلات لخير الجميع، مو بس حتى نرضي أنفسنا و شهواتنا.

إذا ما كنتوا بتعرفوني فاعرفوني: ذهب الدنية كلها ما بيعنيني شي. قيمة العالم ماهي بممتلكاتها، ولكن بقلوبها. يقول العهد القديم: "لأن الانسان ينظر إلى العينين وأما الربُّ فانه ينظر إلى القلب" (صموئيل الأول فصل 16 اية 7). لهيك لا تنغروا، ولا تخلوا المظاهر تخدعكم منشان الله.

العظمة لله و المجد كلو لله. ما حدا أحسن من حدا. وأنا مو أحسن من غيري.



This is the point of everything they promote, from consumerism, to individualism: such a selfish and materialistic self-serving life.

I have been trying for weeks to expound on the previous couple of lines. These are what I am constantly thinking about, and what is keeping me worried all the time.

But everytime I start writing, I end up with pages and pages that require more reading, researching and organising.. But then, just like now, I ask myself: What is the point? What is the point of all of this theory? Why do I have to prove anything? What is the point of reading and learning if we were not willing to act?

What is the point if I learned all these things, but I remained silent and I did not do anything? There is no point at all.

So I ask you, especially the ones doing phds like me: What is the point of learning if we were not willing to act? What is it, tell me?

The life in 'the west' or let's say first world countries, especially the US and the UK, is very much determined by the economic system. So what is the economic system in the UK? It is purely materialistic. Where ever I look, I find them brainwashing people: IF YOU DON'T HAVE MONEY, YOU'RE NOTHING. That's how they brainwash the people. With advertisements 24/7, convincing the people that: If you don't have our fancy phones, our fancy cars, our fancy houses, then you are nothing.

This is why you find the only worry of the people is make more and more gains, at all costs. More and more profit. More of everything: More sex, more money, more 'likes', more of everything. They teach the people: the motive is yourself, you are the only thing that matters.

They tell them: you're living an individualistic life, have fun! Enjoy it while it lasts! You're free! Forget about the family, forget about sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, children; you're the only thing that matters in this whole life.

Such a disgusting self-serving life.

The extremist capitalists want the society broken apart like that, so that it is easier to control the people and allocate them to different corporations, so that PROFIT is maximised. They want us PhDs to have very specific knowledge about very specific topics, but not general knowledge, so that our output and contribution for them is maximised. This is the reason why it is very rare to find a wise person in the UK. Sometimes you find professors with very specialised knowledge in one field, but they know absolutely nothing about other topics. A professor like this is very beneficial for them, because this professor is easy to control. Without the general knowledge the professor won't be able to spread any knowledge, nor be able to make any revolutions. PIFFFF.

I mean I can write and write for days. But what is the point? Mention any topic you like, and I'll show you how they brainwash people.

They want to capitalise on everything. Absolutely everything. Everything has become a commodity for them. Even love and freedom.

Take love, what is love for them? For them it is only the sexual act that brings 'satisfaction' to the individual. You see, it is all about the self, there is no sacrifice in their dictionaries. You're all my friends, and there is nothing one of you can ask me and I will say no. Nothing, I will ALWAYS do all I can to help. Where is this in their dictionaries? No where. Pure material.

They say 'freedom', 'democracy'. And after they decimate some countries with their 'democracy', you look into their actions after it is too late and you find that they only wanted more. More oil. More money. This is why we kill millions all around the world.

"It's not my job", "I don't care". Indeed, this is the point of everything they teach the people: it's all about you. So if it serves you, you do it. If it does not serve you, then it's not your job.

More and more. We have destroyed the planet and decimated the environment with this hunger.

Take God. God is their enemy. If I start now I won't finish. And there is a million things to say, and I can go on and on and on.

But this is not the question. The real question is: Are you here to serve yourself, or are you here to serve the other?

Have you ever felt it that sometimes, by giving the other, we actually are gaining? If you have, then it becomes a must to start thinking about God, because the materialistic norm says that by giving, you are losing, not gaining. Am I wrong?

So I ask you again, especially the ones doing PhDs: Why are you here? Why are you alive?

So am I right? Am I wrong? I beg you: don't be passive. Don't just listen and say: Elias must have gone mad. I only say this because I care, because it is the responsibility that I have chosen.

If you think I'm wrong, you must stand in my face. Otherwise we become strangers who look at each other but don't say anything.


consume1 consume2


Consume more of everything: more words, money, food, drink, sex, roses. The more the better. You are a machine whose sole purpose in life is: to have pleasure. You were born for pleasure.*

* Please note that we only brainwash you with advertisements so that you think like this day and night, and we have one purpose: because it is in our interest. You see, we need to sell the products that we quantitatively produce, we need to make profit.

I myself, used to think that a roses bouquet like this, meant only one thing: that someone loves someone else so much. As many as the roses. But the truth is not even close to this. The amount of the roses in this bouquet is only a reflection of the consumerism culture: the more the better. Love, in reality reveals itself in actions and immaterial things. Love in reality, suffers, when it takes too much, when there are so many people, earning so little, and struggling to find something to eat or drink or find shelter.

Note 1: If you were reading, then always think about the things that I write. It is not my intention to brainwash you. Never take for granted anything I say, never accept anything just because I said it. And I will always say to you: you are free, and I will always accept you as you are.

Note 2: we were born for pleasure, yes. But true pleasure and joy are not the ones they are trying to promote with their corrupt ideology. Their pleasure is superficial. True pleasure is profound and lies under the surface. It is immaterial.

The Materialistic Culture and The Relativist Moral Standard

-- Introduction --

I cannot be passive. I just cannot just sit around and do nothing while I watch the corruption spreads everywhere all around me.

I just can't remain silent, and if there is any way at all, in which one can express his opinion without judging anyone, or without hurting anyone, then I am trying to follow this way to the hardest of my efforts. The last thing I mean is to hurt anyone in any way. I am prepared to do everything for all people that are not present on this page, just as well as those who are present.

So I do not speak because I am evil or because I wish to do anyone any harm. No, but because I consider it my duty to speak, and it is the reason why I read everything I read. And the reason why I study.

Always remember that I am fallible. And no one is without mistake.

Relativism vs. Absolutism:

What does it mean to have a relative moral principle or standard? It means to be selfish, to be driven by interest and profit, and to have the least concern about the other. To be relative, is equivalent to being a robot. Because it means to transfer the standard from an absolute, to the self. I think this is what they call Individualism.

In my opinion, individualism, relativism, and consumption, all have a single materialistic root. I will do my best to transfer my understanding to you.

I will describe now that being morally relative is in some cases, disgusting. Relativity is what is automatically promoted (whether intentionally or unintentionally) when spreading the ideology of consumption and consumerism (which vitalises Capitalism):

The following scenario happened to me in person, and I have heard the same story from other people:

Scenario 1:

That a father says: "my son owes me £20" when he really means it.

Absolutism point of view: The father is very selfish, because a child is the parents' life, the child is the parents' joy and they will ALWAYS do the best they can to educate the child, and give the child the best they can provide.

Relativism perspective: There is no such thing as ALWAYS, and in this case the absolute standard becomes relative to the interest of the parent. This is when the parent treats the child as a stranger, and he considers the child as nothing more than a burden. This is the reason why many western capitalist countries suffer from low birthrates, because the young are "enjoying it while it lasts". As you can see, it is a very materialistic perspective.

I will write another 2 scenarios in a later post.

Scenario 2:

When changing one's spouse is as easy as changing a pair of shoes. (Please note that in reality matters are much more complicated than this simple case. Here I am not judging anyone but only evaluating behaviours (keep in mind that I am not a philosopher/ethicist)).

Absolutism: from an absolutist perspective, the measure is love itself (in other words: sacrifice). This means that one loves his/her only spouse, respects and appreciates her/him and does all he/she can for her/him, despite all difficulty that the couple might ever face. The priority is ALWAYS given to the relationship/marriage itself.

Relativism: from a relative perspective, there is no absolute measure, there is no such thing as 'love will always last'. Love in this case depends. Depends on what? It depends on the best interest of at least one of the two spouses. In other words, the other is regarded as an object, once this object no longer suits me, I have no problem getting rid of him/her. This is equivalent to a spouse constantly asking himself/herself the question: does he/she suit me? And at the moment something does not suit the spouse anymore, the spouse walks away as if nothing ever happened, often leaving behind children. Often in this case you hear people saying things like: my spouse is leaving me because he/she found a better job in London (seeking his/her interest regardless of the other person). The spouse in this case does not care. A very selfish behaviour.

Scenario 3

(prevalent on a global scale due to globalisation, I.e. marketing efforts by multinational corporations owned by first world billionaires spreading first world consumption ideology):

When one says: "OOOOOOOOOH!!!! Oh Em Gee O M G I can't wait until eyefone 13 is realeasedddd so I can buy it!!! (he just bought eyefone 12.9 last month). Or when a grownup man says: “I can’t wait until I get the promotion at work so I can drive the new Porsche!" (He drives an ‘old’ 2012 Mercedes).

This is very common, and this is the result of the consumerism ideology. People are simple brainwashed with advertisements day and night, all brainwashing and trying to convince people with one thing: the more you consume the happier you will get.

Absolutist perspective: An absolutist golden measure sets a higher priority to the other, than the self. And this is where true happiness comes from: from giving. So the latest/smartest/fastest eyefone or car do not matter. And money can be spent instead on different kinds of pleasures.

Relativist perspective: You get it the rest.

The Automaton


I won't be able to sleep unless I have said what lies in my heart.

Despite everything I say and everything I do, The Truth remains whole and undiminished. It remains itself at all times and all spaces, nothing can change it.

You have to know that the things that lie on the outside, on the surface, have no meaning, they have no value. Because these are things that can be faked, they can be forged: like a beautiful impressive photograph, or a warm sentence. A golden crust, or an academic certificate. A fast car or an expensive watch. A palace.

But things that have true meaning, are the valuable things. They cannot be forged nor faked. They are as pure as Truth itself, because they come from The Truth. These things cannot be seen by the naked eye. They are deeper than material. Deeper than the crust and the surface. They lie inside of us, in our hearts and souls.

There is nothing anyone can ask me, that I won't walk to the ends of the Earth to do. So you, as my friends I always tell you: ask me anything. All possessions are attainable. They are all cheap.

The only thing I cannot give you, is the true treasure. Because it is valuable and expensive, it cannot be given, you have to choose it yourself, it is always waiting. Look around you, we have already been given everything. Sometimes I feel so grateful for all of the people I know that I fell like weeping. And if we were given a lot, why would not we give what is little? Why would I hesitate give my whole life to those I love? And why not? I have been given for free, I give for free.

The true expensive things cannot be given, they are already there, all we have to do, is choose them. And embrace them. Once you know them, you won't be able to live without them. Once you have known The Truth, you won't be able to continue without it.

Your freedom is above everything else, and without it nothing has meaning.


Because only then, only through an action does the truth reveal itself. From there, from under the superficial, it gushes out. From underneath the lump in our throat, it flows out, and only then, we shall know it.

Even if there wasn't an action, it remains itself, nothing changes it, nothing takes away from it. And it grows from itself, and it nourishes itself. It remains hidden, waiting for an opportunity to give itself. It is self-sufficient, and it needs nothing, this is why it gives everything.

She is not mass produced, and those who know her, never forget her. She is true. And her name is love.


Love is kind. Love cares for others. Its only worry in life is not to take, but to give, not to consume, but to offer, not to seek pleasures of life, because it is in itself the true pleasure.

We are not robots, but humans. Even the things I say, never accept them without thinking. And if you think they are wrong then you must reject them. But always keep your mind open and never shut it.

Look around you, a person leaves his/her family at 18. They might never see their family again, except on occasion. An individualistic life they try to promote. They try to convince people that the only purpose for them in life to to have pleasure, more and more, of everything. They seek to break down unions and families, they say: “there is no family, the smallest unit in a society is the individual”. But why? Is not it because individuals are easier to control? It becomes easy to asign and allocate people between different jobs and different corporations. They become easier to control. They seek to privatise everything. Dissolve all unions, even the family.

They brainwash people with advertisements day and night, trying to convince them they are like machines, hungry starving greedy machines whose sole purpose in life to take more and more, more money more sex more pleasures. A selfish life. They teach them to say I don’t care and it’s not my job. Material by material. Bone and flesh. Nothing more.

This is what it means to go to the extreme, in this case, capitalism. This is the land where capitalism was born.

But who cares? Who listens? No one cares. It is an individual and selfish life indeed.


You need to consume. They say. Consumption will make you happier. Always desire more and more, want more, crave more of their material. Yes. Never give, always want.

Consumption willmake you happier. Our most recent iphone will make you happier. If not, then the latest Mercedes. And if not the most fashionable suits, then definitely the diamond watch. You need to consume more and more, there is no time for family. No time for children. You don’t have any time for anyone but yourself.


Consumption will make you happier. Our most recent iphone will make you happier. If not, then the latest Mercedes. And if not the most fashionable suits, then definitely the diamond watch. You need to consume more and more, there is no time for family. No time for children. You don’t have any time for anyone in the world but yourself.

Always desire more. Always crave more. We can offer you so many pleasures, nano-meter refined pleasures, virtual reality pleasures.

Fake pleasures. For a selfish and robotic life. For a life like the life of a machine, everything is calculable: whatever results in profit is good, whatever results in loss, is avoided.


Always take, never give. This is the selfish life the capitalists try to promote.

It is very easy, just practise saying: “I don’t care” and “it’s not my job”. Just say: “the only person I care about in the whole world is myself”. With practise, it will become a habit, and your feelings will fade. And you will start to transform into a predictable machine. One we can control and allocate to different jobs and different resources. A singleworking unit called the individual. Everything is calculable you see.

True happiness, is in giving, not taking. This is one of the many wisdoms in the bible (and other religions too). I would say this is an eastern philosophy, but no, the aboriginal americans understand it. It is not eastern, not western, but our good nature, and it comes from an absolute source.

Only in major capitalist countries, they try to corrupt our good nature, and brainwash people day and night withadvertisements that say: the only person that matters in life is you, consume more and more. Of course, they only say it because they are selling their products. It is in their interest to do so, and in reality they don’t care about the individual. Such a selfish life indeed.

But who cares?

You need the faster car, the more expensive phone. This is why the brainwashed individual feels the need to leave his/her family and go to London. It's a better life there. Uh.

It's a better materialistic life. This is natural in a society that does not value the truth.

Relativity and Truth

There exists an absolute source of morality and goodness in the world.

When I was young, I was convinced by the theory of relativity. I considered that 'everything is relative', and that truth depended on the perspective. I thought that the truth changes with time and place, so if you belonged to one country or party, what you consider as truth, would be different to what another person who belongs to another country or party considers as truth.

This is a fundamentally false claim, not just because the argument itself is self-destructive, but because there is a misconception:

The claim that 'everything is relative' is based on the assumption (according to my understanding) that truth and interest or profit, are the same thing. But they aren't. There is a huge difference between doing what we truly believe to be just and right; and between doing what is most profitable to us. The first is absolute, it never changes with the change of space or time. But the second is relative, it depends on the situation and the circumstances.

So the truth is the same for everyone, and it falls on us to walk in its way, or to do what pleases us most, or what satisfies our desires and best serves our needs. If one chose the truth, they would walk in its way even if it was against their own interests. There is no profit in truth, the truth is the profit by itself. It is satisfying without anything.

This satisfaction comes from that this truth, resides in us. We are a part of the truth, this is why it rejoices when it meets itself.

So from a profit oriented perspective, then, yes, everything is relative.

Comment on 2019-09-29:

The phrase "We are all on the brink of despair all we can do is look each other in the face, keep each other's company, joke a little.. Don't you agree?" from La Grande Bellezza movie is very hopeless. It is inherently materialistic, void of hope and it implicitly denies existence. Today, I vehemently oppose it. When I liked it, I did not understand what it meant. But I do now.

The Origin

Always remember: that people are not objects. They aren't tools that you use them to satisfy your hunger. Your parties and organisations and religions.

Belief is not a business.

No matter how desolate they were. No matter how poor, they remain equal to us. And if you treat them with contempt, then you only expose your own identity. Your own hunger that you try to satisfy by abusing the other.

This hunger is satisfied by perfection, by wisdom and education, by the good act and the good will and the good deeds. It is satisfied by love. These things are satisfying because they are the things that we come from.

Collectively, religions call them morals. And they have an absolute source.

Desiring a reward

There is no one thing that is whole or perfect on its own, and the truth is a combination of lots of things.

For example, let's ask ourselves: is it a good thing that some religious people expect to be rewarded with heaven? What I mean is: is it a good thing that some religious people do the good things that they do only because they **desire** to go to heaven?

If they desired heaven, then it would become a duty on them to do as the book says, whether they believed in it or not. So since their purpose is heaven, the book becomes the means towards that purpose, and then they would have to do what it says whether they truly believed in it or not. The most important thing would be in that case that they should follow its rules.

So even though they claim to be 'spiritual' but in fact this kind of thinking is as materialistic as doing business. I'll do what you say, and you'll reward me.

We have to love the truth, for the sake of the truth itself. And if we did good, we have to do good for the sake of good itself, and because we love good; not because we desire some kind of a reward. And we should not expect anything in return. So we have to love the truth even if we *knew* that there is no heaven. And if there was, it would be a heaven of equality, and all of us would be equal in it.

The Crust 2

If you were truly a friend*, and if I was interesting to you, then I grab your hands begging you to listen to what I have to say**:

Ask yourselves: when you go to Tesco to buy ice-cream, and you put the ice-cream in a bag: do you throw the bag in the bin and eat the ice-cream, or do you throw the ice-cream in the bin and you eat the bag?

And again, ask yourselves: before you eat an apple, do you peel the apple, throw the crust away and put the core on a plate; or do you throw the core away and eat the crust?

This is what I mean when I say that what matters lies inside. And that we should always seek the truth if we wanted to be truly happy. And I can generally say that this applies to everything we see and hear***.

Even though that some people might be in close in proximity to us, but others might be in fact closer to us than they are. So it isn't always about distance, and in this case, distance would be the crust, and the truth isn't as it seems. This is why we shouldn't judge by the crust, we shouldn't judge only by the things that we see, because we are unable to see the core. And what's inside is the truth. And truth has the most value, and it is happiness.

(Reading the footnotes isn't necessary).

* Here, I make a distinction between friends, and the facebook list of 'friends', in the second case, 'friends' might mean the people who we have gotten to know and who live in the same city as we do.

** I am no philosopher nor am I an ethicist. So it is a possibility that I might be making a grave mistake.

*** Of course, I am making a judgement. And there are always special cases, it always depends on the circumstances and conditions.

Everything a human being produces, whether in voice or action, be it a sentence, a poem, a drawing, a painting, a symphony, every word is a judgement.

Every feeling we try to express or every object we try describe is so complicated that it is impossible to describe accurately, or let me say: impossible to judge accurately. This is how unique the world is: no judgement is perfect, and there is always room for improvement.

Theoretically speaking, and because of the complexity of the world, it would take all of the particles of the universe, to accurately describe and judge a single particle at a single instant. Which will change in the second instant, to the third.. etc. So it is impossible for us as human beings to describe things accurately, because we are limited. The best we can do, is to use words to describe things that are way more complex than we imagine them to be.

But be ware: our words can be so accurate that they would be able to describe, say, the majority of the truth, for example when we say: 'this cube is red' and everyone in the room agrees. But when things get more complicated, the truth becomes more difficult to phrase and describe. It becomes more difficult to judge, for example, to judge the behaviour of someone in a certain situation.

The closer to the truth our judgement is, the more right we are.


What is the difference between a healthy man, and a disabled man other than having different physical capabilities? If we say that they are equal, then this kind of equality would be exactly the same kind of equality we mean when we say: woman and man are equal. Each is different, but nevertheless they are equal.

This equality is like truth, valid by itself. It needs no justification, it needs no defenders. This is why what follows is no defence for this equality.

If it was possible to measure the distance that the body can travel in years, then we would need light years to measure the distances the mind can cover. From this perspective, if the body can run, the mind can fly; hence it is more powerful.

What follows is the way how I understand how men, collectively, throughout history have always treated women. And it is one of the many definitions of equality:

Man might have bigger muscles. But do his muscles make him strong?

The difference between a strong person, and a weak person, is that the strong chooses the strongest asset in their enemy, and faces it; but the weak chooses the weakest asset in their enemy and attempts to defeat it. This is true because the strong, as a matter of fact, seeks to become stronger, and we become stronger through difficulty not ease.

This is why every man who sees a woman for her weaker asset, her body (considering that the mind is more powerful), is truly a weak man. A woman, as a matter of fact, should be seen for her strongest asset, her mind. And in this asset, she is capable of challenging the man if given the opportunity.

This is not to mention the heart. We are equal, we have always been. It might feel fair here, but it's a jungle outside. And before the first sleep of tonight I say: Happy women's day!


2024-06-08 Update about this post and others like it: Below is a typical example of the curse of relativism which I once fell for. I was deceived. Now I know all the below is false.

"There is no means of testing which decision is better, because there is no basis for comparison. We live everything as it comes, without warning, like an actor going on cold. And what can life be worth if the first rehearsal for life is life itself?" Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness Of Being.

No one before Milan was able to phrase our ignorance in such beauty. What was it that Milan was trying to phrase? We don't know a lot of things. And it can be anything.

For example, no one knows what love is. So maybe we can claim it and make a religion out of it?? We'll make some profit. Pifffffff. If it was truly love what we claimed, then this is the point when it starts turning into something else. Always look deeper than the crust, and search for the truth. Now what is the truth? We don't know, but if it existed, each one of us would be connected to it in a unique way, and this is why no one can tell us the way, we have to find it ourselves. We have to be fully conscious, and have our eyes open. This is why, I always ask you on my part: do not change; I will never judge you. I accept you as you are, and however you are.

We can all feel love. But we can't express it faithfully, because the outside isn't as perfect as the inside. This is why no expression of love can express it faithfully. No phrase. No sentence. No religion. Love remains free, like freedom, like justice; and it cannot be captured. This is why I say: do not be fooled by what others say including me. Always try to understand. So why don't we put our swords down, and sit down for a discussion? Why don't we? Tell me tell me..

The Crust (perfectionism curse)

Does it matter if I said anything at all?

No it does not. Because what is true is always valid despite all the things that we might say and do, whether we are right or wrong. Despite all that we might think and believe, the truth remains unquestionable and indisputable. It remains itself at all times.

Do not be fooled by what you see and hear, and do not be deceived by the crust. Always look deeper and always seek the truth, because only truth can survive, and everything else collapses. We should not mistake deep meanings for superficial ones, we should not judge by the crust. What is the point of a well that is made of gold, but it is empty?

It might be beautiful what we see. But real beauty lies inside, deep inside the heart and mind. And it cannot be reached by the hands, and it cannot be touched. Do not think that we can one day see the truth. Do not think that we might one day be able to phrase it. All of our holy books are wrong, and truth is much deeper. It is deep inside us.

It is very important for me that I reiterate what I consider the basis of our humanity, and without it we degrade down into machines without any feelings: that we are all equal and no one is more human than anyone else despite our heritage, sex and colour. No one is better than anyone else, and despite everything we know, we remain ignorants, that is because everything is relative.

It's not what we say what matters. But what we do.

Sometimes, There are lots of things that we might wish to say, but we can't say them. But this does not matter. Because the truth remains, alive like blood and water. And nothing can extinguish its fire.

You, as my friends, and everyone else, whether I know them or not, and despite my many mistakes, I give you my word again that I will always do my best. And before the first sleep of the new year I tell you: that I accept you as you are, and I already respect you, so do not be changed and do not let my words change you. You are free so be free, and I do not accept to take away any of your freedom. Always go as deep as you can, because only there will we find the truth.

And again I say: Do not be fooled by my words. Always look deeper. Always apologise for your mistakes.

So does it matter? No it doesn't, because it doesn't make a difference.

-- The Crust --

A comment on my photograph

I have only written what follows because of my gratefulness and appreciation to everyone I have recently gotten the pleasure to meet:

The interior is more complex than the exterior. This is why what cannot be seen by the naked eye can reach levels of beauty that cannot be expressed by what is visible. So do not be fooled by what you see, and do not let the appearances be your concern. The things that really matter are inherent in the heart and mind, and they cannot be captured by a photograph. The crust simply means nothing and it has no meaning, the real meaning lies deep inside. And it might as well be absent.

I expect nothing from anyone, and I do not accept to impose anything on anyone. This is why I feel it necessary to say that I respect each person's complete and whole freedom, whether I know them or not.

And you as friends, I give you the freedom to treat me however you wish, and I will always feel as grateful as I do now, and no matter what.

Facebook is a virtual relationship, and it has no meaning to me. The meaning is in real life; outside. Among human beings. This is why I respect each one's freedom to cancel this virtual connection, at any time they wish. And if you ever wish to do so, and do not do it; you would be lying to me. This is what I do not accept.

In my opinion; one of the deepest feelings that a human being can possess, and the most complicated, is love, this is why I do not hesitate to say: "life without love, is not worth living at all.." (GGM).

This is my purpose of this photograph. And this is why I changed the visibility of all other profile pictures to 'friends only'. Because it is not my intention to deceive anyone; as these photos mean nothing to me. I have translated some of what I said at the time of the photograph.

There are no words that can express my gratitude. Thank you so much. I appreciate each person; and here I say: I will do my best.



إن الداخل أكثر تعقيدا من الخارج، و بذلك يمكن لما لا يرى بالعين، أن يصل مستويات من الجمال يعجز الخارج أن يعكسها. لذلك لا تدعوا المظاهر تغركم، إن الأشياء التي تعني حقا كامنة في القلب و العقل، و لا يمكن احتجازها في صورة.

لا أخاطبكم كاخوة و أخوات، لأني بذلك أصنع فرقاً فأزدريكم، و لكن أخاطبكم كمساوين لنفسي: خجلتوني صارت حواجبي تحت عيوني من الخجل هههههه لا أتوقع شيئا من أي أحد، و لا أقبل أن أفرض شيئا على أحد، و لذلك أعجز عن وصف امتناني لمجاملاتكم التي تنطبق على أي كان.

واحدة من أعمق المشاعر التي يمكن للانسان ان يمتلكها، و أكثرها تعقيدا، هي الحب، و لذلك لا أتردد أن أقول: أن الحياة دون حب، لا تستحق العيش اطلاقاً..

لا خداع، و لكن حب.



عبرةٌ صغيرة تغني عن علم كثير. اقرأوها و ادعولي بالخير.

ما هي مزايا أن يكون المرء سعودياً من بيت سعود؟

إذا كنت سعودياً من بيت سعود، بكون عندك بير نفط. و من بير النفط، بصير عندك مصاري ما بتاكلها نيران. و كل عطلة بتروح على أوروبا و بتصير تدور من ملهى لملهى و من كازينو لكازينو.

إذا كنت سعوديا بتحقق كل أحلامك الصغيرة و الكبيرة، و بتوصل لأكبر حلم، الحلم يلي كنت عم تحلم فيه من انت و صغير، و بكون باقيلك شعرة صغيرة حتى تحققو و يصير ما حدا قدك و تصير ملك الدنية كلها.

و لكن وقتيها، بيجي واحد معثّر متلي، و بيسألكم: انتوا شو أنجزتوا؟ وقتيها بصيروا يتطلعوا ببعض، و بصيروا يضحكوا بأعلى صوتهم، و يقولوا: بيرنا النفط عملنا ملوك، شو لسا بدنا أحسن من هيك؟

و لكن عندها، بجوز، فقط بجوز، يخلص بير هالنفط، و بوقفوا يضحكوا، و وقتيها أنا بعرف أنو عناترهم هي، مو جاي منهم، و لكن من بير النفط. و إذا راح البير، راحت عناترهم. راحت القشرة و ظهرت الحقيقة.

و خلصت القصة.


بغض النظر عما نقوله، و بغض النظر عما نؤمن به، فالحقيقة تبقى حقيقة، لا ينقص منها شيء، و لا يضع منها شيء. قد يطلقون علينا مسميّات كثيرة و أسماء كثيرة، لكن الحقيقة تبقى دائماً نفسها. قد ننطق بها في حينها، و قد ننكرها في ذلك الوقت، لكنها تبقى رغم كل شيء يفعل و كل شيء يقال، رغم كل زمن و رغم كل قدرة. حسبها أنها الحقيقة و حسبها أنها نفسها. في حينها، قد ينكرها الكثيرون، و يتبرؤون منها. لكنّها تبقى نفسها لا ينقص منها شيء. قد نعيش حياتنا كلها و نحن نفعل بحسب غيرنا، و قد نكابر كي لا ننطق بها و قد نموت في اعتقادنا هذا. لكن و برغم كل هذا تبقى الحقيقة نفسها. قد ننكرها، وينكرها أحفادنا من بعدنا، و ينكرونها بعدهم أجيال كثيرة، لكن حسبها أنها تبقى كما هي، لا ينقص منها شيء، و لا يأخذ منها شيء. قد يأتي من يدّعون أنهم يَعلمون الحقيقة، و يعلّمون ما يعرفون لكثيرين و هكذا لكثيرين بعدهم، لكن هذا أيضا لا ينقص منها أبداً. قد أدّعي أنا أني أعلمها لكني لست بعالم و لست أعلم شيئا، و هذا أيضا لا ينقص منها أبداً. إن الحقيقة تبقى دائما و لا تبطل مطلقاً. لكن برغم كل هذا و رغم كل ما أقول، فالحقيقة تبقى، و ما في القلب يبقى هو الحقيقة. لذلك يقين العقل قد يخطئ، لكن يقين القلب لا يخطئ أبداً، و لذلك تكون السعادة. و إننا جميعا متساوون برغم التسميات التي تعلمنا أدياننا أن نطلقها على بعضنا. نحن جميعا متساوون رغم السرير الذي ولدنا عليه، أكان عظما أم ذهبا، رغم ما بجيوبنا و رغم ما بعقولنا و رغم كل شيء. لا يحق للعبد أن يطلب المساواة مع سيده. لأن المساواة ترفع من شأن العبد. لذلك يمدّ العبد يده دائماً، و ينتظر السيّد أبداً. إن المكتوب هنا قد لا يعني شيئا، لكن الحقيقة تبقى.

"وعدتك ..
أن لا أبالي بشعرك حين يمر أمامي
وحين تدفق كالليل فوق الرصيف .. صرخت ..
وعدتك ..

أن أتجاهل عينيك ، مهما دعاني الحنين وحين رأيتهما تمطران نجوما ..
شهقت ..
وعدتك ..
أن لا أكتب إليك ..

ولكنني – رغم أنفي – كتبت
وعدتك ..
وعدتك ..

أن لا أتلفن ليلا إليك
وأن لا أفكر فيك ، إذا تمرضين
وأن لا أخاف عليك وأن لا أقدم وردا ..
وأن لا أبوس يديك ..

وتلفنت ليلا .. على الرغم مني ..
وأرسلت وردا .. على الرغم مني ..

وبستك من بين عينيك ، حتى شبعت وعدت بأن لا .. وأن لا .. وأن لا ..
وحين اكتشفت غبائي ضحكت ...

وعدت ..
بذبحك خمسين مرة ..

وحين رأيت الدماء تغطي ثيابي
تأكدت أني الذي قد ذبحت ..

فلا تأخذيني على محمل الجد ..
مهما غضبت .. ومهما انفعلت ..
ومهما اشتعلت .. ومهما انطفأت .."
(نزار قباني).


Regardless of what we say, and regardless of what we believe in, the truth remains true, it lacks nothing, and nothing puts it down. They may call us many names and many titles, but the truth is always the same. We may utter it in its time, and we may deny it at that time, but it remains despite everything that is done and everything that is said, despite every time and every ability. Its destiny is truth and it is enough by itself. At its time, many may deny it and disown it. But it remains the same without lacking anything. We may live our whole lives doing according to others, and we may struggle not to utter it and we may die in our belief. But despite all this, the truth remains itself. We might deny it, and our grandchildren might deny it after us, generation after generation, but its destiny is to remain as it is, nothing missing from it, and nothing is taken. Those who claim to know the truth may teach what they know to many and so to many after them, but neither this takes away from the truth. I might claim that I know her but I am not wise and I do not know anything, and this doesn't put down from it either. The truth always remains and it is never nullified. But despite all this and despite everything I say, the truth remains, and what is in the heart remains the truth. This is why the belief of the mind may make mistakes, but the certainty of the heart never makes mistakes, and therefore happiness. We are all equal despite the labels that our religions teach us to call each other. We are all equal despite the bed we were born in, whether of bone or of gold, despite what's in our pockets and despite what's in our minds and despite everything. A slave is not entitled to seek equality with his master. Because equality elevates the status of the slave. Therefore, the servant always extends his hand, forever waiting for the master. What is written here may not mean anything, but the truth remains.

"I promised you..
Not to care about your hair as it passes in front of me
And when it flowed over the pavement like night...
I screamed..
I promised you..
To ignore your eyes, no matter nostalgia calls
And when I saw them raining stars ..
I gasped..

I promised you..
Not to write to you..
But, despite my nose, I did..

I promised you..
I promised you..
Not to call you at night
And not to think about you, if you become ill
And not to worry about you
And not to give any roses..
And not to caress your hands..
And I telephoned at night.. despite myself..
And I sent roses.. despite myself..
And I kissed you from between your eyes, until I was satisfied

I promised you not to... and not to.. and not to..
And when I found out how fool I was I laughed...
I promised..
To slaughter you fifty times..
And when I saw the blood covering me
I was sure that I was the one who was killed..
Therefore do not take me seriously..
No matter how angry I get.. And whatever I do..
And no matter how much I'm on fire .. And how much I'm extinguished.."

(Nizar Qabbani).

(as translated on Apr. 22 2018)

Quotes & Proverbs

  • "نمت فحلُمت أنّ الحياة فرح.
    استيقظت فرأيت أن الحياة خدمة.
    خدمت، فوجدت الفرح في الخدمة."
    ر. طاغور (عن الأب علم)
  • "إذا كنت مقتنعًا قناعة مطلقة، بعد الاطلاع والتفكير الرصين، أنّ الدين المسيحي خطأ، فعليك أن تتركه."
    توما الأكويني (عن الأب علم)
  • "Totus tuus" (I am all yours). John Paul II.
  • "nulla ha piu senso te, si vive solo per se" (Nothing makes sense, if man lived only for himself) Luciano Pavarotti.
  • "The essential difference between life and literature are simple errors of form" Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
  • "Shame is not to die for love. A human does not die when they should, they die when they can" Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
  • Citius, Altius, Fortius. Faster, Higher, Stronger.
  • “To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.” ― Aristotle
  • "We are whtat we repeatedly do, think and speak, excellence then is not an act, but a habit." --Aristotle
  • "To be is to do" - Socrates
  • "Know thyself, you know the secrets of Gods and the worlds" -- Pythagoras
  • "I am just looking for an honest man." Diogenes
  • "Felix, qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas" (Fortunate who was able to know the causes of things) - Virgil
  • "Nullius in verba" (take nobody's word) - Horace
  • "In vino veritas." Gaius Plinius Secundus.
  • "To believe in something, without living it, is hypocrisy." Ghandi.
  • "Be the change you wish to see in the world" Ghandi.
  • “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. Kindness is a manifestation of strength.” --Mahatma Gandhi
  • "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others" --Ghandi
  • "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. عش و كأنك ستموت غداً" (Mahatma Gandhi)
  • “Peace, happiness come from within. Do not seek it without.” --Buddha
  • "Where there is a will, there is a way." English proverb.
  • "Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend." --Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Nelson Mandela
  • "I hope for nothing, I fear nothing, I am free." Nikos Kazantzakis
  • "We never live. We hope to live." Voltaire
  • "Life is too short to be wasted in finding answers. Enjoy the questions." --Paulo Coello
  • "No one loses anyone else, because no one owns anyone else." Paulo Coello
  • "The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to forget is the happiest." Anonymous.
  • "All cruelty springs from weakness" Seneca
  • "L'univers m'embarrasse, et je ne puis songer
    Que cette horloge existe et n'ait point d'horloger." (Voltaire, Les Cabales, 1772) (The universe perplexes me, and I cannot think That this clock exists and has no watchmaker.)
  • "Je pense donc je suis" René Descartes. (I think therefore I am)
  • “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” (Albert Einstein)
  • "One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today." (Dale Carnegie)
  • "One day we'll fall down and weep, and we'll understand it all, all things.. Unless you love your life will flash by" (The Tree Of Life movie)
  • "Despite knowing the story, and where it leads.. I embrace it, and I welcome every moment of it.." (The Arrival)
  • Follow the truth whereever it may lead. (Antony Flew)
  • "حقك يا دنيا علينا، بكرتي و نحنا تمسينا، وحدك رح تبقي يا دنيااا.. ونحنا زواااار نحنا زواااااار"
  • "شو معنى هالحياة؟ حلم و مارق ساعات" ماجدة الرومي
  • "أنت حر أمام شمس النهار.. أنت حر أمام قمر الليل وكواكبه.. أنت حر حيث لا شمس ولا قمر ولا كواكب... بل أنت حر عندما تغمض عينيك عن الكيان بكليته. ولكن أنت عبد لمن تحب لأنك تحبه. وأنت عبد لمن يحبك لأنه يحبك." --جبران خليل جبران.
  • "الحب لا يعطي إلا ذاته، ولا يأخذ إلا من ذاته، وهو لا يَملِك ولا يُملًك، فحسبه أنّه الحب." --جبران خليل جبران.
  • "كيف نضجر وللسماء هذه الزرقة وللأرض هذه الخضرة وللورد هذا الشذا وللقلب هذه القدرة العجيبة على الحب، وللروح هذه الطاقة اللانهائية على الإيمان كيف نضجر وفي الدنيا من نحبهم ومن نعجب بهم، ومن يحبوننا، ومن يعجبون بنا". --نجيب محفوظ
  • "..ليستقبلنا بأبوة بين ديكور بائس أعد بعناية فائقة، ليقول لنا: هذه هي الحياة التي تتناسونها، إنها ليست حياة مقهى الهافانا و مطعم سقراط، إنها حياة الشعب المسحوق الذي أتشرف بأن أكون منه، و كنت أهيئ نفسي بسلبية لصدمة الشفقة هذه.." ما كتبه سعيد حورانية، عن حنا مينة، في مقدمة (الشراع و العاصفة).

On religion:

  • Dialect.
  • "Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas" (Plato is my friend, but truth is dearer to me than Plato/Plato is dear to me, but dearer still is the truth) - Aristotle.
  • The golden rule: treat others as you wish others to treat you.
  • "نظرنا لأمر الحاضرين فرابنا، فكيف بأمر الغائبين نصدق؟" معروف الرصافي.
  • "ما غاية الدين أن تحفوا شواربكم يا أمة ضحكت من جهلها الأمم" المتنبي.
  • "يخبرونك عن رب العلى كذبا، و ما درى بشؤون الله إنسانا" أبو العلاء المعري.
  • "ليس من الممكن أن يعطينا الله عقولا.. و يعطينا شرائع مخالفة لها" ابن رشد.
  • "بلينا بقوم يظنون أن الله لم يهد سواهم" ابن سينا.
  • "إذا سئل أتباع الدين أن يقدموا برهانا على صدق دينهم، فإنهم يغضبون، ويسفكون دم كل من يواجههم بهذا السؤال. إنهم يمنعون التفكر العقلاني، ويسعون جاهدين لقتل معارضيهم. لهذا تبقى الحقيقة محجوبة كليا" الرازي.
  • "العرب إذا تغلّبوا على أوطان أسرع إليها الخراب. في الدول التي يؤسسها البدو لابد من اللجوء الى العجم في كل ما يختص بشأن البناء." ابن خلدون

Arabic Proverbs (2018-08-25):

  • كل إناء بما فيه ينضح. و من فيض ما في القلب يتكلم الفم.
  • رد سيفك إلى موضعه، لأن جميع الذين يأخذون السيف، يهلكون بالسيف.
  • ملأى السنابل تنحني بتواضع .. والفارغات رؤوسهن شوامخ (المتنبي)
  • دود الخل منو و فيه و الطيور على أشكالها تقع.

محبة كالدم

كما المحبة، ليس الدم إلا بسجين يحاول الهرب من قيده. مسعاه الخروج من الجسد و الانتشار في العالم كله. و بالرغم من كل شيء، هناك واقع.. و هناك حقيقة.. و كليهما يفرضان نفسيهما علينا جميعنا. هناك شيء ما يعطي لكل شيء معناه، هناك شيء ما يتخطى قصر نظرنا، يتخطى المادة، و يتخطى اللغة و التاريخ و النصوص. شيء ما لا يكتب، و لا يقال. شيء يُربحنا جميعنا. أن نحيا، هذا يعني أننا نحاول الوصول لهذا الشيء، أن نتوق إليه بكل جوارحنا، و لن نبلغه، لأنه غير محدود، أما نحن، فمحدودون. و لا نعرفه، إلا عندما نقربه، لأنه ليس مثيل لأي شيء عرفناه. هو الشيء الذي ينبع منه كل شيء، هو الشيء الذي يفرض نفسه علينا جميعاً، و إن رفضناه. هو الحقيقة المطلقة التي لشدة طلاقتها، قادرة أن تغمر الدنيا بأسرها و بكل صورها. سيأتي ذلك اليوم، و سنرى جميعنا. سنرى جميعنا. ايييييييييييييييييييييييه.. على اللة. لا بد أن يكون هناك معنى لكل شيء، و إلا، فلا معنى لأي شيء. كلنا بالهوا سوا.. إييييييييييه.. كُلنا بالهوا سوا.

About Love and Kindness




[Update on Sep. 16th 2018] My dad's story, Dream for My Child - MetLife:

[Update on 2018-09-13] Cadbury - Mum's Birthday TV Advert - 2018: