Mar Elias Evangelisation

Dr. Elias (PhD)



Exposing the agendas of Modernists, Freemasons and homoheretics:

john-vennari-alta-vendita-masonic-blueprint Taylor Marshall - Infiltration TFP-the-synodal-process-is-a-pandoras-box TFP-the-breached-dam
The Fatima Centre - The Permanent Instruction Of The Alta Venditta: A Masonic Blueprint For The Subversion of The Catholic Church (free) Taylor Marshall - Infiltration TFP - The Synodal Process is a Pandora's Box (available for free) TFP - The Breached Dam (available for free)
Bishop Athanasius Schneider - Flee From Heresy

Exposing Feminism, LGBT and Homosexuality ideologies:

TFP - Defending a Higher Law (available for free)

Exposing Gender Theory rebellious Satanic ideology:

gender-theory-diversity-or-21st-century-totalitarianism Dr. Miriam Grossman - Lost in Trans Nation Dr. Miriam Grossman - You're Teaching My Child What? Detrans - Mary Margaret Olohan
TFP - Gender Theory Diversity or 21st Century Totalitarianism Dr. Miriam Grossman - Lost in Trans Nation Dr. Miriam Grossman - You're Teaching My Child What? Mary Margaret Olohan - Detrans

Islam Heresy:

the-truth-about-islam solimeo-islam-and-the-suicide-of-the-west
The Truth About Islam Luiz Sergio Solimeo - Islam and the Suicide of the West


the-case-for-Christ Habermas-Uniqueness-of-Jesus-Christ-2016 Early Church was a Catholic Church - Joe Heschmeyer The Bible Is a Catholic Book - Jimmy Akin
Lee Strobel - The Case For Christ Dr. Gary R. Habermas - The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ (original source, local source). Joe Heschmeyer - Early Church was a Catholic Church Jimmy Akin - The Bible Is a Catholic Book

Science (natural philosophy), love of wisdom leads to God because God is eternal wisdom:

can-science-explain-everything-John-lennox signature-in-the-cell-Meyer darwins-doubt-Meyer return-of-the-God-hypothesis-Meyer
John Lennox - Can Science Explain Everything Stephen Meyer - Signature In The Cell Stephen Meyer - Darwin's Doubt Stephen Meyer - Return Of The God Hypothesis
Michael Behe - Darwin Devolves

Climate Change scam:

Steven Koonin - Unsettled
Steven E. Koonin - Unsettled


Antony Flew-there-is-a-God Turek-Geisler-I-don't-have-enough-faith-to-be-an-atheist Frank-Turek-Stealing-from-God
Antony Flew - There is a God Normal L. Geisler and Frank Turek - I Don't Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist Stealing From God - Frank Turek


pillar-of-fire Why We are Pro Life bishop-schneider-credo the-popes-against-modern-errors
Booklet: Catholic Answers - Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Truth, The Catholic Church and God's Plan For You Booklet: Catholic Answers - Why We're Pro Life Credo: Compendium of the Catholic Faith The Popes Against Modern Errors: 16 Papal Documents


kitchen-on-the-reliability-of-the-ot israel-finkelstein-bible-unearthed
Kenneth Anderson Kitchen - On The Reliability of the Old Testament Israel Finkelstein - The Bible Unearthed

Apparitions of Our Lady:

Adib Mousleh books (Arabic)

Other lists:

Faithful publishing houses: