Mar Elias Evangelisation

Dr. Elias (PhD)



Modernism “the synthesis of all heresies” (Pope St. Pius X, 1907)

Exposing Modernist corruption in the church:

  1. Fiducia Supplicans, "blessing" homosexual "couples":
  2. Pope Francis' confusion: Private opinions, normalisation of sin, ridiculing scripture:
  3. Corrupt Jesuits:
  4. On sexual immorality:
  5. Corruption of Synod of Synodality:
  6. Confusion from the Vatican:


  1. Good shepherds, faithful bishops:

    1. Bishop Muller:
    2. Saints:
  2. Courageous and faithful Priests:

    • 2024-08-07 Fr. Chris Alar «Catholicism, it is the foundation of Western civilization, and the secular world wants to do away with that.. The secular world is determined to exterminate Catholicism because it is the only remaining voice.. against abortion, same-sex marriage, transgenderism indoctrination of our youth, and the destruction of religious liberty... If you do not pray every day, you dim, you lose your faith.»
  3. Faithful Courageous Christians:

    1. Laypeople
    2. Scholars