Mar Elias Evangelisation

Dr. Elias (PhD)


Correspondence with Parish Pastoral Council and parish priests

Correspondence with the PPC

  1. Comment on a leaflet distributed by the cathedral:

  2. In response to a feedback survey distributed for weeks by the PPC in the church:

Correspondence with my parish priests

  1. To the parish priest on 11th December 2023: I asked the parish priest if it was possible that I post the evangelisation group advertisement behind the glass at the church entrance. Initially he asked me to remove the terms "homosexuality" and "marriage" from the evangelisation group advertisement claiming that "the stance of our Pope is changing on homosexuality". After I did so, it remained posted for around 3 months then it got removed. I talked to the parish priest about it and he said "no advertisement remains hanging indefinitely, and I needed to update it".

    After this letter the parish priest sent me news with the brother responsible for weekday readings that I should stop reading the letter during evening Holy Masses. This was his response. Whereas practising homosexuals continue to be allowed to read and receive the Holy Eucharist at the Cathedral.

  2. To Frs. Chris and Clement on 4th March 2024